The Bowen Technique interacts and stimulates the autonomic nervous system (ANS). This is done via the body’s connective tissue, fascia. Applying a series of gentle and specific movements Bowen stimulates the body and encourages it to begin the process of healing itself.

Bowen is intended for use on all ages groups and for a broad range of conditions. The technique can diminish pain and/or stress from physical injuries and emotional upsets.

Bowen has been used to enhance athletic performance. For more information please visit Bowen by Brettell.

Some conditions where the Bowen Technique has been used with positive results, this list is not comprehensive:


Treatable Conditions

Back pain (eg. Sciatica)
Bedwetting (in children)
Bowel Issues
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Colic in Infants
Conception Issues

Digestive issues
Earaches and TMJ problems
Frozen Shoulder
​Galbladder Pain

Head and Neck Pain
Hip, Knee, Ankle and Foot Issues (bunions, hammer toe)
Improve Athletic Performance
Kidney Pain
Lactation Issues

Menstrual Pain
Pelvic Tilt Issues
Sinus Issues
Tennis elbow